Theatre in Society
Research Trip
Research Trip in Australia
The artistic director Mr Hoi-fai Wu and the dramaturg Ms Tik-ki Cheang visited Adelaide, Melbourne and Sydney in December 2018, conducting in-depth study trip on the development of documentary theatre in Australia.

關於我們 About Us
我們近年致力發展「紀錄劇場」(Documentary Theatre)及「人種誌戲劇」(Ethnotheatre),我們大膽嘗試將此創作方式應用至本地議題上,成為本地劇壇先鋒,創作出《1967》、《本來沒有菜園村》等受歡迎劇目,成功吸納對社會議題熱切關注的固定觀眾群,令戲劇藝術與社會產生更緊密的關係。
Pants Theatre Production was registered as an organization in 1995; in 2012, it was incorporated and registered as non-profit company, renamed as Pants Theatre Production. Since 2015, Pants Theatre Production has become an approved charitable institution and trust of a public character under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance (Cap. 112). Now Pants Theatre Production is a recipient of Three-Year Grant of the Hong Kong Arts Development Council.
With a vigilant eye on our community and supported by rigorous research, our theatrical endeavor as an artistic response and contribution to our society pushes the boundary of theatre aesthetics. Ultimately, we strive to be a catalyst for social changes.
Our works have drawn inspiration from persons or events that have tremendous impact on the historical development of Hong Kong. We have also explored the relationship between individuals and the community.
In recent years, we have focused on documentary theatre and its close kin, ethnotheatre. Acclaimed original documentary theatre works include On the Record, Estate Agents, 1967, Once Upon a Time in Choi Yuen Chuen… and An Ethnodrama of Education; and translated documentary theatre masterpieces include Gweilo, Gross Indecency – The Three Trials of Oscar Wilde, The Laramie Project, its sequel and The Exonerated.
Team Members
胡海輝 Hoi-fai Wu
一條褲製作 | 藝術總監 Artistic Director, Pants Theatre Production
Artistic Director and Co-founder of Pants Theatre Production, a recipient of Hong Kong Arts Development Council Yearly Grant; Art Form Panel (Festival) Member of Leisure and Cultural Services Department, Examiner of Hong Kong Arts Development Council, Assessor of Hong Kong Drama Award and Adjudicator of Hong Kong School Drama Festival. Graduate of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (BA in English) and the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (BFA in Drama – Directing); the Central School of Speech and Drama, University of London (MA in Advanced Theatre Practice – Dramaturgy); Recipient of the Yiqingzhai Foundation Arts Fellowship, the Asian Cultural Council in 2008 and the Outstanding Young Director Award in 2001 Hong Kong Drama Award.
潘藹婷 Grace Poon
一條褲製作 | 行政經理 Administrative Manager, Pants Theatre Production
Poon graduated from the Cultural Studies Department of Lingnan University. She has previously worked as a magazine editor, project coordinator, in organizations including Centre For Community Cultural Development, Hong Kong Arts Development Council and Hong Kong Arts Centre. She was granted the Fellowships for Arts Management Experience in 2014 to intern at the Adelaide Festival Centre in Australia.
Her recent production credits include: Together in Search of Light, My Dad, My Mom, My Son and My Daughter… , On The Record, Theatre and Society: Documentary Theatre Festival, 1967 Rerun, Sweet Mandarin (Re-run), Gweilo (Re-run), Play Reading Series and A Hong Konger’s Political Journey: Long Hair.
鄭廸琪 Tik-ki Cheang
紀錄劇場節考察之旅 | 戲劇文學指導 Dramaturg of Research Trip, Documentary Theatre Festival
鄭廸琪先後畢業於香港理工大學職業治療系(一級榮譽)、香港中文大學音樂系,並獲英國皇家音樂學院鋼琴演奏文憑(優異)及香港演藝學院藝術碩士課程 (優異),主修編劇。在修讀碩士期間獲「未來劇作家獎學金」、「演藝發展基金獎學金」及澳門特別行政區政府文化局「文化藝術學習資助計劃」資助。首個作品《螢火》為影話戲「第三屆青年編劇劇本寫作計劃」的優勝劇本,並獲提名第六屆香港小劇場獎最佳劇本。其他作品包括《魚躍記》、《流徙之女》、《好人不義》及《我的父親.我的兒子》。《好人不義》獲揀選為香港話劇團「新戲匠」系列劇目之一,於2017年首演,並於2018年底出版及重演。
Callas Cheang has obtained the BSc in Occupational Therapy (1st Class Honors) from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and the BA in Music from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She has also been awarded the Licentiate of the Royal Schools of Music (Distinction) and the MFA in Drama (Playwriting) of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (Distinction). During her study in the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, she has been granted the Future Playwright and the Academy Development Fund Scholarship; and the Culture and Art Study Scholarship of the Cultural Affairs Bureau of Macau. Her premier play, Angel’s Gift, won the distinguished award in the 3rd Youth Playwright Scheme of Cinematic Theatre and nominated the Best play in the 6th Hong Kong Theatre Libre. Her other plays include The Story of Leaping Fish, Sweet Mandarin, An Unjust Good Fellow and Fantasia on Fathers and Sons. An Unjust Good Fellow was featured in the Open Platform series, premiered in 2017; rerun and published in 2018.
吳卓恩 Frieda Ng Cheuk Yan
紀錄劇場節 | 統籌 Co-ordinator, Documentary Theatre Festival
2023年為獨立製作人及香港中文大學文化管理系兼任講師;近期參與製作包括:神戲劇場《極地謎情》、Project 21st 廿一檔《點只音樂 - 風力管風琴》、一條褲製作「第三屆紀錄劇場節」、張雅麗獨腳戲《想·點》、大館《馬戲新人類》等。
Peng Chau islander; independent producer and creative project initiator.
Frieda holds a Bachelor Degree in Comparative Literature from the University of Hong Kong and a Master Degree in History of Art from the University of Birmingham. In 2018, she received the Arts Administration Scholarship from the Hong Kong Arts Development Council for her second Master Degree in Creative and Cultural Entrepreneurship (Theatre) from Goldsmiths College, University of London.
Frieda has worked for different cultural projects and enjoys cross-displinary collaborations. She had more than 10 years’ work experience in cultural organisations including Hong Kong Arts Development Council, Hong Kong Arts Centre and Tai Kwun - Centre for Heritage and Arts. She was the producer of Tai Kwun’s highlighted festival “Tai Kwun Circus Plays”, the first contemporary circus festival in Hong Kong.
Currently an independent producer and part-time lecturer at the Department of Cultural Management, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, her recent projects include Enigma Variations (Dionysus Contemporary Theatre), Euphonia (Project 21st), 3rd Documentary Theatre Festival (Pants Theatre Production), DOTS by Annie Cheung, New Boom in Circus (Tai Kwun Circus Plays), etc.
聯絡我們 Contact Us
地址:香港新界葵涌葵豐街 25 至 31 號華業工業大廈 A 座 6 樓 F 室
Address: Flat F, 6/F, Block A, Marvel Industrial Building, 25-31 Kwai Fung Crescent, Kwai Chung, New Territories, Hong Kong
電話 Telephone: 2419 9006
傳真 Fax: 2419 9789
電郵 E-mail: info@pants.org.hk
項目計劃資助 Project Grant
Arts Capacity Development Funding Scheme
HKSAR Government 香港特別行政區政府
主辦 Presenter

一 條 褲 製 作 為 藝 發 局 資 助 團 體
Pants Theatre Production is financially supported by HKADC
The content of these programmes does not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
Hong Kong Art Development Council fully supports freedoms of artistic expression. The views and opinions expressed in this project do not represent the stand of the Council.