Theatre in Society
Research Trip
Research Trip in Australia
The artistic director Mr Hoi-fai Wu and the dramaturg Ms Tik-ki Cheang visited Adelaide, Melbourne and Sydney in December 2018, conducting in-depth study trip on the development of documentary theatre in Australia.
Theatre in Society
Documentary Theatre Showcases
Focus On Real Characters & Events in HK
Create Documentary Theatre Works that Belong to HK
Documentary Theatre Showcase is one of the significant programmes in Documentary Theatre Festival.
Two new theatre groups cooperate with their dramaturgs, focus on the real characters and events in Hong Kong, and create their own documentary theatre works that belong to this era.
馬戲班 The Circus Theatre Group
《離境大堂》The Departure Hall
盧韻淇 Wiki Lo
Dear Babies
盧韻淇 Wiki Lo
Dear Babies
Theatre in Society
What About Art in Hong Kong ?
(粵語演出 In Cantonese)
Nowadays, Hong Kong is one of the most affluent cities in the world. Since the 70s we have evolved from cultural desert into one of the cities which has the biggest expenditure in art and culture. But has art really taken root in Hong Kong. Do we need art? What kind of art do we need?
West Kowloon Cultural District was born out of a dramatic past. In the beginning the Hong Kong government would like to have just one real estate developer to take up the whole area. Later three major conglomerates were formed to engage in fierce competition for this ludicrous investment. Due to ferocious public pressure, all the proposals were abandoned, and the West Kowloon Cultural District Authority was established.
Before this part of the history is completely forgotten, we endeaver to start a new documentary theatre work, based on the intricating course of development of the West Kowloon Cultural Development. Archival materials will be consulted, and interviews will be made, just with a wish to get an answer of the question, “What is the point of doing art in Hong Kong?
13-15.12.2019 7:45pm
14-15.12.2019 2:45pm
Studio Theatre, Hong Kong Cultural Centre
創作/導演 Creator/Director
胡海輝 Hoi-fai Wu
創作/演出 Creator/Performer
查國林 Kwok-lam Char
江浩然 Ho-yin Kong
*譚安婷 Pearlmi Tam
謝昊丹 Ho-dan Tse
葉興華 Billy Hing-wah Yip
阮韻珊 Melody Wan-shan Yuen
佈景設計 Set Designer
阮漢威 Leo Hon-wai Yuen
服裝設計 Costume Designer
程凱雯 Cheryl Ching
燈光設計 Lighting Designer
陳焯威 Octavian Cheuk-wai Chan
音樂及音響設計 Composer and Sound Designer
何子洋 Jacklam Ho
錄像設計 Video Designer
盧榮 Lo Wing @ohlo.hk
* 藝術人才培育計劃是由香港藝術發展局資助 。
The Artistic Internship Scheme is supported by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council.
The content of this programme does not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
Theatre in Society
自2013年 開始自行創作紀錄劇場作品,本團至今已累積一定創作經驗,是適當時候整理,以文字形式紀錄下來。創作手冊將免費派發,讓將來有志從事這類創作的同儕參考。
本團曾上演多齣經典紀錄劇場翻譯作品, 從中領略到不少創作紀錄劇場的竅門。出版劇本集為有志研究或實踐創作紀錄劇場的朋友,提供另一重要參考。是次出版的四本劇本集,包含五個本團曾經演譯的作品:《同志少年虐殺事件》、《重見真相:同志虐殺現場十年重訪》、《猥褻——三審王爾德》、《種子》和《國家劇院的絆腳石》。劇本集以廣東話口語出版,大大保留了於本地演出時的精髓。
項目計劃資助 Project Grant
Arts Capacity Development Funding Scheme
HKSAR Government 香港特別行政區政府
主辦 Presenter
一 條 褲 製 作 為 藝 發 局 資 助 團 體
Pants Theatre Production is financially supported by HKADC
The content of these programmes does not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
Hong Kong Art Development Council fully supports freedoms of artistic expression. The views and opinions expressed in this project do not represent the stand of the Council.