Theatre in Society
Research Trip
Research Trip in Australia
The artistic director Mr Hoi-fai Wu and the dramaturg Ms Tik-ki Cheang visited Adelaide, Melbourne and Sydney in December 2018, conducting in-depth study trip on the development of documentary theatre in Australia.
Theatre in Society
Documentary Theatre Month
Master Classes
2017 年的大師班反應熱烈,兩節均滿額,但時間實在太短,令學員只能初步了解何為紀錄劇場。因此這一屆我們特意邀請了四位各有獨樹一幟的理念及手法的紀錄劇場大師專程來港,包括:Greg Pierotti(美國)、Alecky Blythe(英國)、Annabel Soutar(加拿大)及Paul Brown(澳洲),他們將會分別舉行各四節大師班,除分享他們獨特的創作方式之餘,也會透過不同練習,讓學員親身體驗如何建構一齣紀錄劇場的作品。
The master classes held in 2017 received the overwhelming response and fully booked. However, duration of each master class is too short for participants to learn more about documentary theatre. This year, it is our great pleasure to invite four masters in documentary theatre, Greg Pierotti (US)、Alecky Blythe (UK)、Annabel Soutar (Canada) and Paul Brown (Australia), each to hold 4-5 sessions of master classes. They are pioneers in contemporary documentary theatre making. In the master classes, they will share their creative approaches, and let the participants taste deeply how to create a work.

Greg Pierotti(美國)
Affect Theatre: The Radical Power of Creative Collaboration

Alecky Blythe(英國)
How to Create and Perform a Verbatim Play

Annabel Soutar(加拿大)
The Practice of Documentary Playwriting

Paul Brown(澳洲)
Environment, Verbatim Theatre, and Citizen Storytelling
地點 Venue:
Greg Pierotti, Alecky Blythe and Paul Brown Master Class
香港理工大學 GH平台附屬樓 2樓 GH201室
Room GH201, 2/F, GH Podium Annexe, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
Annabel Soutar Master Class
香港理工大學 BC翼 3樓 BC302室
Room BC302, 3/F, Core C, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
語言 Language:英語 English (不設翻譯 No Translation Service)
費用 Fee:HK$1,600 (Greg Pierotti); HK$2,500 (Alecky Blythe/ Annabel Soutar/ Paul Brown)
二人同行優惠 (只限正價)
2 Accompany Discount Package(Regular Price Only)
二人同時報名參與同一大師班, 第二位可獲半價優惠
1 Class Enrolment: 2 persons apply 1 master class together, the 2nd one 50% OFF
2 Classes Enrolment: 2 persons apply 2 master classes together, the 2nd one 50% OFF plus overall extra 10% OFF
3 or Above Classes Enrolment: 2 persons apply 3 or above master classes together, the 2nd one 50% OFF plus overall extra 20% OFF
2 Accompany Discount Package FOR STUDENT
兩位學生同時報名參與同一大師班, 除半價外,更獲額外八折優惠(參加者須於首堂出示有效學生證)
2 students apply 1 master class together, 50% OFF plus extra 20% OFF (Applicants need to present a valid student ID card on the 1st lesson)
同時報名參加兩個或以上的大師班可享九折優惠 10% off discount available for applying 2 master classes at the same time.
同時報名參加三個或以上的大師班可享八折優惠 20% off discount available for applying 3 master classes at the same time.
凡全日制學生報名可享半價優惠,名額有限,先到先得。 Half-price tickets available for full-time students, limited quota on first-come first-served basis.
上述購票優惠只可享用其一 Only one of the above discount could be enjoyed.
報名方法 Application Method:www.art-mate.net
名額有限,先到先得。Limited quota on first-come first-served basis.
查詢 Enquiry:2419 9006 / info@pants.org.hk
Play Reading of Masterpieces
(粵語演讀In Cantonese)
Documentary theatre is different from the plays which tell a story with a situation, but has a close relationship with a particular place in a particular period of time, and therefore most foreign documentary theatre works rarely transformed to Hong Kong and are unfamiliar to local audience. Hosted and directed by Mr. Hoi-fai Wu, the artistic director of our company, five actors will read selected masterpieces, in order to introduce the development of documentary theatre in Australia, Germany and Canada through their different styles and achievements.
導演及主持 Director & Moderator:胡海輝 Hoi-fai Wu
票價 Ticket Price $90
購票方法 Ticket Purchase:www.art-mate.net
名額有限,先到先得。Limited quota on first-come first-served basis.
演出長約 2 小時 30 分 Show duration around 2.5 hours
查詢 Enquiry:2419 9006 / info@pants.org.hk
The content of these programmes does not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
Public Talks
語言Language:英語 English (不設翻譯 No Translation Service)

Greg Pierotti (美國 US)
再現真實:「紀錄劇場」的價值與風險 Re-presenting The Real: The Value and Risks of “Documentary Theatre”
1.8 (星期四 Thur) 19:30 - 21:00
費用全免 Free Admission
香港理工大學蔣震劇院 Chiang Chen Studio Theatre, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Alecky Blythe (英國 UK)
在舞台及電影重現真實生活 Putting Real Life on Stage and Screen
10. 8 (星期六 Sat) 19:30 - 21:00
費用全免 Free Admission
香港理工大學蔣震劇院 Chiang Chen Studio Theatre , The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Annabel Soutar (加拿大 Canada)
實踐紀錄劇場的見解 Insights Into the Practice of Documentary Theatre
17. 8 (星期六 Sat) 17:00 - 18:00
費用全免 Free Admission
香港理工大學蔣震劇院 Chiang Chen Studio Theatre , The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Paul Brown (澳洲 Australia)
‘What Then Must We Do?’: Documentary Theatre for a Crowded World
1. 9 (星期日 Sun) 17:00 - 18:00
費用全免 Free Admission
Chiang Chen Studio Theatre , The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
購票方法 Ticket Purchase:www.art-mate.net
名額有限,先到先得。Limited quota on first-come first-served basis.
香港理工大學蔣震劇院 Chiang Chen Studio Theatre , The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
查詢 Enquiry:2419 9006 / info@pants.org.hk
Documentary Theatre:
Documentary Theatre: 1967 (Re-run)
(粵語演出,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles)
「《1967》輻射出強烈的戲劇張力,兩個多小時的演出裡,緊扣著觀眾心弦。七位演員一人分飾數角,以自述、獨白、讀報、廣播等形式交代事件經過,不單以多元角度敘述、組合歷史片斷,更把立場迥異的個人、以及團體之觀點呈現出來,讓觀眾能對 67 事件有更全面的認識。《1967》導演讓各方說明立場,不作廉價煽情,演員演出專業,不對人物刻板醜化。這種尊重事實的公正態度,是藝術家良知的表現,在現今只講表態的社會氣氛中尤覺可貴。」香港城市大學講師楊宏通

1967 Riots is the Watershed of Hong Kong History. It broke up in Hong Kong. Countless strikes and homemade bombs scattered all over Hong Kong for more than 6 months. Thousands of people, including policemen, protestors, or ordinary citizens, were injured, dead, or arrested. It prompted the colonial government to improve its governance. However, this riots have never been investigated in school curriculums.
In the summer of 2014, our company comprised interviews, news clippings and other documents and created an original documentary theatre production 1967, which instantly drew the attention of the media and was highly acclaimed by critics and audience:
“Full of intense dramatic tension, this is a gripping production of more than 2 hours long. The seven actors play a diversity of roles via narration, monologues, news clippings and voice over, depicting the process of the riots in multiple angles and historical moments. It gives voice to a diversity of individuals and organizations, so that the audience has a general understanding of 1967 riots.” Ivan Yeung, lecturer of the Hong Kong City University
Commemorating the 50th anniversary of 1967 riots, we had revisited this significant part of Hong Kong history in the rerun of 1967. The recording of this play was then put on screen in Toronto, as well as Hong Kong Asia Film Festival 2018.
票價 Ticket Price:$65
日期 Date:2019 - 7 - 31|7:15 p.m
日期 Date:2019 - 8 - 10|2:30 p.m
地點 Venue:香港藝術中心古天樂電影院 Louis Koo Cinema, Hong Kong Art Centre
Ticket available from 3 June on at all URBTIX outlets, on internet, by mobile ticketing app My URBTIX and by credit card telephone booking.
10% discount on ticket available at URBTIX outlets upon presentation of valid membership cards of Friends of Pants.
Programme duration approximately 2.5 hours. Meet the artist session will be held after screening.
節目查詢 Programme Enquiries:2419 9006
票務查詢 Ticketing Enquiries:3761 6661
信用卡電話購票 Credit Card Telephone Booking:2111 5999
網上購票 Online Booking:www.urbtix.hk
The content of this programme does not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.